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Webinar Insights: Robotics ‘In the Classroom’

Have you considered using robots in your classroom? In this webinar, our team of experts were joined by educator Claire Brown from UBTECH Education’s Teacher Ambassador Program (TAP) to share the benefits and advantages of teaching with robotics.

Here were some key takeaways:

1. If you’re new to robotics, integrate your kits with a concept you are familiar with or have taught before.

TAP educator Claire Brown is no stranger to using new technology in her classroom now but it’s something she’s been working on for the past four years. One of her first tips on getting started with new technology is to incorporate it with a concept or lesson you are familiar with. This will make that new technology less intimidating and easier to work with.


2. Allowing students time to play with new technology will lead to organic learning that you might not have planned for.

Free play and experimentation with a new technology is vital in the success of projects that ask for exploration of other concepts using that same technology. During this time, Claire has students share what they can do with other groups so students can learn from their peers and get excited to use the technology in a new way.


3. Join a PLC centered around the technology or topic you are trying to incorporate into your classroom. 

Find your people! Teachers are always willing to share their experiences and ideas with others. Claire recommends connecting with these groups through social media, in your community, or even in your district. This support can go a long way and it’s okay to ask for help/discuss your ideas with others first before implementing in the classroom.

Come explore these topics, a Q&A with the speaker, and more in the Robotics ‘In the Classroom’ webinar recording.

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