Introducing our new UBTECH Education Portal

Professional Services

Educator support, every step of the way

In-person training

uKit in-person training brings a UBTECH implementation specialist to your site for an immersive experience that guarantees successful implementations. Each professional development session is custom tailored to the site to ensure educators are getting the most of the training. 

Touching on standards, classroom needs, and uKit confidence, each educator will leave with an implementation plan to bring robotics and STEM into their classroom. The goal of every session is for educators to leave feeling ready to lead students through their robotics journey while being able to solve any issue they may encounter along the way. 

Currently offering full-day and half-day training. 

uKit full-day training

uKit in-person full-day training meets the needs of a dynamic teaching environment. In this premier training, educators spend the day fully immersed in the UBTECH solution. This training focuses on active building, coding, real-time troubleshooting, curriculum, and implementation. Educators learn how to successfully integrate uKit solutions into their classrooms. 

Price: $4,000
Contact to book

uKit half-day training

uKit in-person half-day training is designed to build confidence with the uKits in a fun hands-on environment. This training focuses on active building, coding, and real-time troubleshooting. Educators will leave ready to lead students through their robotics journey while being able to solve any issue they may encounter along the way.

Price: $3,500
Contact to book

For all professional development options, educators have 12 months to redeem after the date of purchase.

Training is scheduled and delivered according to your schedule. 

Certificates of completion are available for up to 15 educators in attendance per training.

Additional implementation specialists (trainers) 

Additional UBTECH implementation specialists are available to ensure the highest quality of training is being provided. UBTECH recommends sites with more than 15 educators request an additional specialist to ensure the right level of support and interaction for all educators.

Additional specialists are provided at a cost of $1,250 per specialist.

Get in touch

Interested in learning more about our professional service options?
Let us know how we can help; reach out today!

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